IIEP Research Report, 18
155 p.
Tertiary education
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A propos de la publication
This study is concerned with the provision of development programmes for academics in British institutions of higher education .The first chapter describes the structure of the higher education system and its control.The British higher education system is a highly complex one in which many different kinds of institutions have developed in response to the needs of society.Broadly speaking the integral parts of the system are: Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education and Technical Colleges.The current policy in towards greater government control of higher education by diminishing the "autonomous" university sector and expanding the "public" sector.Chapter 2 discusses the movement prevailing among the universities and the polytechnics of the "felt need" for the training of teachers in higher education, which has lately led to the establishment of "units for staff development".Analysis of the data received from the universities and polytechnics of Britain is then reported, followed by a general view of the remaining units or projects in various universities.It is hoped that these data will reflect the impetus for the setting-up of units for staff development, which institutions are active in promoting such programmes, their present for future development.