Vannina Trentin is the Deputy Training Coordinator of the Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, supporting the management of the team and the organization and supervision of regular and tailor-made training programmes and courses. Before this role, she worked as an external consultant for IIEP, as a moderator of the Institute's Network of Specialists in Educational Policy, and as a Specialist in Virtual Training.
She holds a degree in Education Sciences for Middle and Higher Education and is a specialist in Educational Technology from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina.
In recent years she has worked in the coordination of teams, management, design, and evaluation of projects aimed at initial teacher training, teacher professional development related to didactics and the incorporation of new technologies into teaching processes, and the training of trainers and/or tutors, including training programmes for professionals. In the field of education policy, she has worked in national and subnational government agencies, as a member of technical teams, and coordinated professional development projects for teachers, both face-to-face and distance learning. In the academic field, she is a researcher and assistant professor of General Didactics for Teachers at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UBA. She is the author of numerous publications on teacher training and professional development, evaluation, institutional project management, and integration of digital technologies, among others. She has given numerous courses and seminars for management teams and teachers at different levels of the education system.
- Alliaud, A; Trentin, V. (2021) “Enseñar y aprender en la excepcionalidad”, En libro de la Colección SABERES, Secretaría de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires. En prensa.
- Iglesias, C; Trentin, V. (2020) “La comunicación, motor del hacer educativo: tramas tecnológicas en las experiencias emergentes de la cultura y la enseñanza”. En “El futuro ya llegó...y tiene memoria. Hacia una educación mejor después de la pandemia”. Peluso, Santiago (Comp). Editorial PPC- SM, Madrid, España.
- Trentin, V. (2020) “Una invitación al silencio”. Reseña del libro “Esperando no se sabe qué. Sobre el oficio del Profesor” (2019) de Jorge Larrosa. Colección Perfiles, Noveduc, Buenos Aires, Argentina. En Revista del IICE Nº 47, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Trentin, V. (2019) “Las mediaciones tecnológicas como oportunidad para la construcción de conocimiento didáctico en la formación docente universitaria”. Red Iberoamericana de Docentes, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). ISBN: 978-84-948417-1-2. Cádiz, España.
- Briscioli, B; Frechtel, M; Trentin, V. (2018) “La escuela secundaria: un abordaje desde las prácticas de enseñanza”. Propuesta de formación para docentes de escuelas secundarias. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - UBA. ISBN 978-987-4923-29-5. Buenos Aires, Argentina.