+33 (1) 45037764
In charge of partnerships and donor relations

Raphaëlle is responsible for the follow-up and development of IIEP-UNESCO's partnerships. She is in charge of mobilizing resources from donors in the education sector and managing partnerships with international organizations and foundations.

Raphaëlle assists IIEP-UNESCO's management in the search for new funding and the building of strategic partnerships to ensure a sustainable model that serves the priorities of the Institute and its Member States.

In a transversal way, Raphaëlle contributes to reinforcing the accountability and the visibility of the Institute's activities in close collaboration with project leaders. She also supports the organization of high-level meetings and events involving IIEP-UNESCO's management.

Raphaëlle has ten years of professional experience in the education sector on both national and international levels. Before joining IIEP, she was responsible for projects in the basic education sector within the French Development Agency, particularly in countries in crisis situations (Mali, Chad, and Central African Republic). She was previously Education Advisor in charge of multilateral partnerships for the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and worked in close collaboration with UNESCO's Education Sector, IIEP and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Raphaëlle has also been a principal education advisor (Ministry of Education in France) and has served as an academic delegate for high school life in the Rectorat de Créteil (France).


Raphaëlle holds a master's degree in International Relations, Cooperation and Development from the Institut d'Études Politiques de Bordeaux. She is also a holder of the French state civil service and was a 2014 laureate of the competitive examination for principal education advisors.