Cooperation with national training institutions

IIEP-UNESCO supports countries worldwide in developing their own training provision in the field of educational planning and management. To do so, we work hand-in-hand with national training institutions, strengthening their capacity in delivering qualitative training for educational planners at central and decentralized levels. The ultimate objective is help countries develop a critical mass of educational planners who will contribute to the preparation of plans and policies for the development of their national education systems.


Promoting the development of specialized training; responding to local needs  

In recent decades, the need to train educational planners has expanded in many countries, both at central and decentralized levels. On the one hand, the global trend of educational decentralization policies has led to an increased demand for training at the sub-national level. On the other hand, ministries of education are seeking to strengthen their expertise in educational planning and management, in order to put in place sound plans - and thus obtain national and international funding.  
This is why IIEP has been supporting some 30 national training institutions since the 1990s in developing quality training programmes adapted to local needs. Having a national actor with a clear mandate for training in educational planning and management is an essential condition for building strong and sustainable education systems.

Improving the quality, relevance and scope of training programmes provided by national institutions in the field of educational planning and management is a key lever to help countries implement Sustainable Development Goal 4 of the Education 2030 Agenda. Developed in close collaboration with national authorities and our local partners, this strategy diversifies professional development opportunities for planners and has a lasting impact on education.

Jimena Pereyra, Programme Specialist at IIEP


What can IIEP do?

Depending on the context of each country, IIEP's support to national training institutions takes different forms. In some cases, we co-construct a global strategy within the framework of national programmes, to strengthen institutional capacities over time. In others, we intervene by supporting specific projects or providing tailor-made training.

Our most common interventions include:

  • Analysis of training needs and support for the elaboration of an institutional development plan;
  • Designing and organizing training courses and programmes in the field of educational planning and management, sometimes in collaboration with university partners;
  • Training of national trainers, in-country or through IIEP's official training courses: Virtual Campus, Specialized Courses Programme, Advanced Training Programme;
  • Development of training materials adapted to local needs and languages;
  • Support for the creation and development of documentation centres and libraries specializing in the field of educational planning and management.

National training institutions: IIEP's approach for a sustainable impact


Cambodia, Morocco and Afghanistan are among the countries whose national training institutions have been supported by the IIEP in recent years. Read the testimony of the Director of the National Institute of Education of Cambodia, gathered during a seminar dedicated to national and regional training institutions.