Post-experience higher education in the fields of management and engineering: the experience of the Dresden Technical University

German DR. Ministry for University and College Education. Institute for Further Education
IIEP Research Report, 20
72 p.
Tertiary education

Online version

About the publication

This paper is an attempt to analyze the experience of the Dresden Technical University as regards the system of further education.The author links the post-experience higher education (PEHE)issue to the board context of planning in socialist countries, which covers not only the processes of the national economy but also the educational service.A detaileed description is made of the division of labour and cooperation, the relations between higher educational institutions and other institutions in charge of education, as well as of the organizational structure of further education.In respoect of the component parts and order followed in elaborating study plans and teaching programmes, after which the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the participants and the teaching staff are dealt with. The papers examines the effectiveness of PEHE ate Dresden Technical University where a continual and systematic evaluation of study performances takes place.In the biew of the author, a variety forms of further education will emerge in the forthcoming years.