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7 items found
  1. Systèmes de prêts aux étudiants en Scandinavie

    Woodhall, Maureen
  2. Accreditation and the global higher education market

    Hernes, Gudmund; Martin, Michaela; El-Khawas, Elaine; Hallak, Jacques; Hendriks, Birger; Hugonnier, Bernard; Lemaître, Maria José; Levasseur, Michel; Levy, Jan S.; Poisson, Muriel; Prakash, Ved; Stella, Antony; Tayag, Jean; Uvalic-Trumbic, Stamenka; Vincent-Lancrin, Stéphan
  3. Reforming higher education in the Nordic countries: studies of change in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

    Fägerlind, Ingemar; Strömqvist, Görel
  4. Ministries of education and the media: close encounters - mixed emotions

    Hernes, Gudmund; Martin, Michaela; Zadra, Estelle
  5. Student finance schemes in Norway: a case study

    Levy, Jan S.
  6. Refugees’ access to higher education in their host countries: overcoming the 'super-disadvantage': policy paper

    Martin, Michaela; Stulgaitis, Manal
  7. External quality assurance in higher education: making choices

    Martin, Michaela; Stella, Antony