Latest PôleMag issue out now

19 February 2016

IIEP is pleased to present the latest issue of PôleMag, the IIEP newsletter from the Pôle de Dakar.

In this issue, the Pôle de Dakar – which plays a pivotal role in the analysis and planning of education policies in Africa – reiterates its commitment to the objectives of the Education 2030 agenda.

The issue features highlights from the inaugural workshop of the Platform for Expertise in Vocational Training (PEFOP). It also shares the first results from its project to improve data analysis concerning public funding of education in Zimbabwe.

Furthermore, this issue provides insight on early childhood development in West and Central Africa, specifically regarding the importance of early-learning activities at home.

Another must-read is the Focus article on trade-offs in education policy. Particular attention is given to the multiple factors to consider when balancing limited financial resources with political ambitions and high expectations for education policy goals.

The issue closes with an interview with Oscar Bazikamne, the Director of Planning at the Ministry of Education in Burundi, who explains why a participatory approach to producing an Education Country Status Report (CSR) is important.

PôleMag also features Pôle de Dakar’s key events of the year.

Read the issue here.