Guidelines for capacity development in education policy planning and resource management

English, French
OECD. Centre for Effective Learning Environments
197 p.

Online version

About the publication

Capacity Development (CD) in Member States is one of the five major functions of the Education Sector and is aimed at providing technical support to develop the capacity of Member States and thus enable them to achieve their national education goals. This major function has been confirmed in UNESCO's recent Programme and Budget for the current biennium (C/5), in which the thematic area of the expected result 1 (ER 1) “aims at assisting Member States in developing national capacities to prepare and implement robust education sector plans”. A survey conducted by the Organization (2008)1 revealed that, despite the progress achieved in enabling countries to deliver quality education policies and programmes, much remains to be done. Programmes to strengthen the capacity of the education sector have not always succeeded in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public institutions, including education ministries. This document is intended to fulfil the strategic objectives and to meet the demand on the ground. The Guidelines focus on providing useful methodologies, techniques, and tools for education policy analysis, sector diagnosis, planning, and costing and financing.