Strengthening Alternative and Non-Formal Education for Youth and Adults in Education Sector Plans

23 November 2020 to 12 February 2021
Application deadline: 
30 September 2020


The objective of the course is to equip participants with the technical knowledge and skills to ensure that marginalized youth and adult learning issues are better reflected in national plans and become an integral component of sector-wide education plans within a lifelong learning perspective. In the long term, a stronger focus on ANFE in sector plans will guide the development of holistic lifelong learning systems, ensuring that all young people and adults can learn and continue learning in a changing world.

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss key concepts and categories applied in ANFE, including social and private benefits and service provision challenges;
  • Describe the main steps of the ESP preparation process;
  • Analyse the current state of ANFE in the education sector to identify gaps in service provision, demand, and opportunities for development;
  • Develop ANFE strategies based on an education sector analysis;
  • Design implementation programmes with costed activities to promote and improve the ANFE; and Develop an ANFE M&E plan for the ESP.

Participants' profile

The course is designed for mid- and junior-level staff members from professionals from: (i) ministries of education, particularly from educational planning departments at central and provincial levels as well as non-formal education, adult education, and literacy departments; (ii) lifelong learning institutions or departments; and (iii) development/ international organizations specialized in education; and (iv) universities or other training institutions in the field of education and development.

Please note that:

  • Participants must have basic knowledge of key education statistics and indicators.
  • Each country team must designate one person as ‘Group Coordinator’. Please refer to the ‘Learning modalities’ section of this information note.
  • Participants should have reliable access to the internet and meet the requirements described in the annex  “Technological requirements”;
  • The participation of women who are staff members of the above-mentioned departments and units is highly encouraged.


IIEP and UIL will send out an invitation letter to ministries of education and other institutions. These institutions will select a group or groups of participants (4–6 members) who will work together for the duration of the course.

National teams will take precedence for enrolment in the course. However, individual applications from education professionals will also be accepted (up to 20 per cent of enrolments).

Applications must be completed online via the following link, by Wednesday 30 September 2020:

The selected teams will be informed of their registration status soon after they have submitted their application.