The newest edition of The IIEP Letter introduces readers to our new strategy, which will guide IIEP until 2021. Articles cover our five thematic priorities, from improving learning outcomes to building system resilience. Discover what is high on our agenda as we strive to upgrade our support to countries in implementing the SDG 4 - Education 2030 agenda.
Read a PDF version of the IIEP Letter here
In this issue...
Let’s prepare education for the future
By Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
IIEP launches its new strategy
By Suzanne Grant Lewis, IIEP-UNESCO
Inclusive education: Where do we start?
By Jennifer Pye, IIEP-UNESCO
Learning for marginalized children in low-income countries
By Sylvia Schmelkes del Valle, member of the Governing Board of the Mexican National Institute of Educational Evaluation
In Ethiopia, education knows no bounds
By Leonora MacEwen and Alexandra Waldhorn, IIEP-UNESCO
Open government in education
By Muriel Poisson, IIEP-UNESCO
Financing education in Africa
By Guillaume Husson, IIEP-Pôle de Dakar
Supporting Mexico through political transition
By Néstor López, IIEP-Buenos Aires