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Education in emergencies and forced displacement, teachers and teacher education, ethics and corruption, transparency and accountability
Katja Hinz is an Associate Research Officer in the IIEP Research & Development team. She contributes to IIEP’s work on crisis-sensitive education planning.
More specifically Katja is involved in research on the management of teachers in refugee contexts in Ethiopia, Jordan, Uganda and Kenya. Prior to joining this project, she contributed to a wide range of IIEP activities including research on ethics and corruption in the education sector and support to the specialized course on school mapping. She is also actively involved in the Institute’s training activities, including the Advanced Training Programme.
Before joining the IIEP in 2014 as a Carlo-Schmid-Fellow, Katja worked as a research assistant at the University of Bielefeld.
- Master of Arts in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Bielefeld/Ecole Normale Supérieure.
- Political Science at the University of Zurich and Science Po Bordeaux.
- Bengtsson, S., Hinz, K., Nayor, R., West, H., (2019). What we know and what we need to know: Identifying and addressing evidence gaps to support effective teacher management policies in refugee settings in Ethiopia NORRAG Special Issue 02: pp. 111 - 113