Candy Lugaz is the project coordinator of IIEP’s research on “Cities and Education 2030”, “The role of the State in a context of decentralization” and “Improving school financing: the use and usefulness of school grants”.
She works in close collaboration at national level with Ministries of Education and research institutions, cities and city networks, and with a number of development partners: UNESCO Institute for lifelong learning (UIL), UNICEF, Global Partnership for Education, the NGO Plan.
Her areas of expertise extend to planning and management at local level, school supervision, formulation of policies and strategies, in particular for improving education quality. She had also conducted research activities in the field of basic education, working more particularly on school feeding issues and non-formal education. She worked in collaboration with the World Food Programme to assess the impact and sustainability of school feeding programmes, particularly in Ethiopia.
- Master's degree in Political Science, specialization Europe
- D.E.A. in European and international law
- DESS on the relationships between Europe and Latin America, with a specialization in co-operation for development.
- De Grauwe, A. Lugaz, C. 2018. Improving school financing: the use and usefulness of school grants: lessons from five African countries .Paris: IIEP/UNESCO-UNICEF.
- De Grauwe, A. Lugaz, C. 2016. School financing: Improving the use and usefulness of school grants. Lessons form East Asia and the Pacific. Paris: IIEP/UNESCO-UNICEF.
- De Grauwe, A. Lugaz, C. 2011. Strengthening local actors. The path to decentralizing education. Paris : IIEP-UNESCO.
- Oulai, D. Lugaz, C. 2011. Analysis of capacity development in educational planning and management in Ethiopia. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.
- Renforcer le partenariat école-communauté. Bénin, Niger et Sénégal. Lugaz, C. De Grauwe, A. 2010. Paris : IIPE-UNESCO.
- Schooling and decentralization. Patterns and policy implications in Francophone West Africa. Lugaz, C. De Grauwe, A. 2010. Paris : IIPE-UNESCO.
- Ecole et décentralisation. Résultats d'une recherche en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone. Lugaz, C. De Grauwe, A. 2006.Paris : IIPE-UNESCO.
- Besoins diversifiés et éducation pour tous. Lugaz, C. 2006. Paris : IIPE-UNESCO.
- Les programmes d'alimentation scolaire : définition, évaluation et impact. Lugaz, C. 2006. Paris : IIPE-UNESCO.
- Lugaz, C. 2008. "Participation des communautés et accès à l'éducation des groupes défavorisés". Contribution to IIEP Symposium "Directions in Educational Planning".
- De Grauwe, A; Lugaz, C. 2007. “District education offices in French-speaking West Africa: autonomy, professionalism and accountability”. In: Prospects. Volume XXXVII, n°1, March 2007.
- De Grauwe, A; Lugaz, C. 2007. “Décentralisation de l’éducation en Afrique Francophone de l’Ouest: réalités et défis au niveau local”. International Review of Education, 53, 613-638.
- De Grauwe, A; Lugaz, C; Baldé, D; Diakhaté, C; Dougnon, D; Moustapha, M; Odushina, D. 2005. “Does decentralization lead to school improvement? Findings and lessons from research in West-Africa ». In: Journal of Education for International Development (JEID) Volume 1, Issue 1, Numbers 1 – 3. Governance.
- UNESCO. 2010. Reaching the marginalized. EFA Global Monitoring report. Paris: UNESCO.