Education investment increase in sub-Saharan Africa pays dividends

02 Mai 2011
There are more children in school than ever, says UNESCO report.


© UNESCO/D. Willetts

Sub-Saharan African countries increased their real expenditure on education by more than 6% each year over the past decade, according to a new report published by UNESCO. Yet despite these investments, many countries in the region are still a long way from providing every child with a good quality primary education.

The report entitled "Financing Education in sub-Saharan Africa – Meeting the Challenges of Expansion, Equity and Quality" presents comprehensive and timely data on the financing of education in 45 African countries. Published by UNESCO’s Montreal-based Institute for Statistics (UIS), it also includes historical data to track financing trends since the World Education Forum in 2000.

IIEP contributed to the writing of this report, in particular on the subject of private financing of education.

Photo: School children in Kakuma (Kenya)