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57 résultat(s) trouvé(s)
  1. A middle tier space to support a high-performing school system in Shanghai

    Chimier, Chloé; Fasana, Guglielmo; Tournier, Barbara
  2. A New scenario for educational planning and management in Latin America: The impact of the external debt

    Reimers, Fernando
  3. Academic staffing and staff management in Western European universities: current situation and emerging issues

    Martin, Michaela
  4. Administration and management of education: the challenges faced

    Caillods, Françoise; Murphy, Peter James; Sander, Benno
  5. Análisis sectorial del sistema educativo mexicano

    Prawda, Juan
  6. Analyse fonctionnelle de l'organisation des ministères de l'éducation: audit de la gestion des ministères de l'éducation

    Sack, Richard; Saïdi, Mahieddine
  7. Analysis of capacity development in educational planning and management in Ethiopia

    Lugaz, Candy; Oulai, Dramane
  8. Ce n’est pas moi, c’est le système : cadre pour l’analyse des capacités de planification et de gestion

    De Grauwe, Anton; Haas, Anna
  9. Change agents: emerging evidence on instructional leadership at the middle tier

    Childress, David; Chimier, Chloé; Jones, Charlotte; Page, Ella; Tournier, Barbara
  10. Changing schools from within: a management intervention for improving school functioning in Sri Lanka

    Perera, Wilfred J.
  11. Education en situation d’urgence: engagement et leadership du MENAPLN au Burkina Faso: étude de cas

    Ndabananiye, Jean Claude; Ndiaye, Alioune Badara; Tran Thanh, Julia; Tréguier, Mathilde
  12. Educational structures in English-speaking developing countries in Africa

    Chesswas, John