Anglais, Français
Education de qualité pour tous
96 p.
A propos de la publication
Promoting skills development represents a key instrument to facilitate the social and economic integration of excluded groups. Within the framework of the Dakar Education for All (EFA) follow-up, addressing the learning needs of young people and adults requires that more attention be paid to skills development. In this context, UNESCO.s Division of Secondary, Technical and Vocational Education and the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) initiated a project to reinforce institutional capacities and support policy formulation in four developing countries: Lao PDR, Mali, Nepal and Senegal. This book presents the findings of work accomplished in the four countries and discussions that took place at an interregional seminar held in Paris on 22 and 23 January 2004. It reviews the status of skills development in the EFA process. Beyond the education sector, the analysis includes other development concerns. The seminar provided an opportunity to take stock of what has been accomplished and to highlight some key issues for stakeholders at all levels. This publication draws attention to many conceptual issues, policy challenges and policy options relating to skills development. Alternative modes of delivery and strategies for skills development both within and outside formal school systems are also examined. It is hoped that this book will contribute to increased awareness of skills development needs within the EFA movement.