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16 résultat(s) trouvé(s)
  1. Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier. What do effective instructional leaders at the middle tier do?

    Childress, David; Chimier, Chloé; Jones, Charlotte; Tournier, Barbara
  2. Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier. How do education systems enable instructional leaders to be effective?

    Childress, David; Chimier, Chloé; Jones, Charlotte; Tournier, Barbara
  3. Transforming head teachers into middle tier system leaders in Wales

    Chimier, Chloé; Keper, Lainie; Tournier, Barbara
  4. A middle tier space to support a high-performing school system in Shanghai

    Chimier, Chloé; Fasana, Guglielmo; Tournier, Barbara
  5. Leading a collaborative learning culture through middle tier reforms in Rwanda

    Childress, David; Jones, Charlotte
  6. Evidence-based supervision at the middle tier in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

    Childress, David; Jones, Charlotte
  7. Mentoring teachers from the middle tier in Delhi

    Childress, David
  8. Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier. What is the middle tier and why is it important for improved learning?

    Childress, David; Chimier, Chloé; Jones, Charlotte; Tournier, Barbara
  9. Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier

    Chimier, Chloé; Jones, Charlotte; Tournier, Barbara
  10. Renforcer l’engagement et le leadership du ministère de l’Éducation dans les réponses éducatives rapides en situation d’urgence: note d’orientation

  11. Strengthening MoGEI engagement and leadership in rapid EiE responses in South Sudan

    Hine, Sébastien
  12. L’Engagement et le leadership du ministère de l’Éducation dans les réponses éducatives rapides en situation d’urgence à Madagascar: étude de cas

    Billy, Candyce; Paradies, Maria; Rakotoson, Jacky Samuel; Tréguier, Mathilde