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215 résultat(s) trouvé(s)
  1. Financing vocational education: concepts, examples and tendencies

    Atchoarena, David
  2. The Financing and management of vocational education and training in Eastern and Southern Africa: report of a sub-regional workshop

    Atchoarena, David
  3. Recurrent financing of vocational and technical education in Poland: the case of the Voivodie of Gdansk

    McCabe, James
  4. Relationships between central and local authorities with respect to budgetary control of educational expenditures in decentralised administrative situations

  5. Formula funding of schools, decentralization & corruption: a comparative analysis

    Caldwell, Brian J.; Downes, Peter; Farenzena, Nalú; Gurr, David; Herczynski, Jan; Levacic, Rosalind; Luce, Maria Beatriz; Spinks, Jim M.
  6. Integrating education with economic needs in developing countries

    Lyons, Raymond F.
  7. Towards more transparent financial management: scholarships and grants in Indonesia

  8. A New scenario for educational planning and management in Latin America: The impact of the external debt

    Reimers, Fernando
  9. Private finance and management of education in developing countries: major policy and research issues

    James, Estelle
  10. Management of higher education with special reference to financial management in African institutions

    Martin, Michaela; Sanyal, Bikas C.
  11. Strategic financial management in Southern African universities: report of an IIEP distance education course, 4 May - 31 July 1998

    Martin, Michaela; D'Antoni, Susan; Hall, John; Sanyal, Bikas C.